I might as well be dead

Here's a cheery little pip for you, courtesy of country singer Will Gentry, aka Ramsey Kearney. An interesting figure, Kearney - still active today - has been recording since the very beginning of the 1960s, often for fairly major companies, but at some point he decided to get in on the song-poem scam, setting up his own company Nashco specifically to, as he puts it himself "assist the amateur and professional songwriter in getting a demonstration recording made of their song; suitable to assist the writer in furthering his or her song material." How very generous.

Ramsey/Will was also the performer of one of the greatest songs in the whole song-poem oeuvre, Blind Man's Penis. Originally submitted as a joke (titled Stevie Wonder's Penis) to see if anyone within the song-poem industry would be mercenary enough to record such a thing, Ramsey kindly offered to do so, suggesting that the title be changed to Blind Man's Penis to avoid any problems with Mr Wonder and his entourage.

The authors of this little ditty, Cecelia and Theodore Frese, clearly thought they were on to a winner by employing Will Gentry to write the music to and record their song and, to be fair to Ramsey/Will, he has put more effort into the tune than many others would have. It's miles better than some of the dreadful song-poem lyrics I've heard, but they still ended up with a clunker. How could anyone believe that a song that includes the lyrical couplet "There's no-one shares my love/I might as well be dead" would be a hit?

Here, for your delectation, is Homely as the Dickens. Enjoy
