Winners of the Wolves of Mercy Falls Art Contest

I'm happy to be able to share with you the winners of the Wolves of Mercy Falls art contest. Thanks to EVERYBODY for entering and thanks to my secret family member and friend who judged. Thanks to everyone for giving me permission to share your art, too. Without further ado, the fifteen winners, in no particular order. (click to go to the artist's blog or site).

There were so many amazing things to choose from — songs written and dances choreographed and scenes acted out and passages illustrated and .. . . it was just awesome, guys. I know what it's like to be one of the entries not chosen in things like this, and I want to emphasize that I loved looking at all of them, and I'm really so glad I didn't have to choose between them. Keep arting.

The Golden Woods from Katherine Robson on Vimeo.

I think I feel a goal assessment post coming on, by the way, now that it's halfway through the year. Just warning you.