Day 334 November 30th
Review of NYCCExclusive Spider Man and Fire Chief Max
This is one really cool idea for an exclusive 2-pack andeven better to have it at the New York comic con!
Packaging – This exclusive uses the newstyle of packaging which has the new and improved larger window and it stillrocks! The artwork on the front nolonger runs the risk of obscuring the minimates inside and is also used on theside flaps, which provides a nice consistent feel to the package. The back showcases the entire wave along witha small bio/write up box for both characters. The colour used on this package is a dark blue.
Spider Man – Thebiggest thing that immediately stands out with this minimate is the fact thatit is not just another Spider Man but is in fact a Spider Man in fire fightergear! You can clearly see Spidey’s maskand torso costume and his red hands but after that it is all firefighter. He is wearing the open fire chief jacketwhich is standard to the M.A.X. fire chief sets. The major difference with the jacket is onthe back it has NYCC 2011 on the back of it, giving a nod to the con at whichit was first available. Spidey also hasthe black fire fighters pants and boots. The other bit of gear is the red helmet. Unlike the previous fire fighter releases this helmet has got the number62 on it, a little nod to the year of the first Spider Man comic! Great touch there DST! The colours on this minimate are so crisp andbold, it looks awesome! Spidey also comes with his webline, which really isjust a great thing to get and no matter how many I have kickin around here Ialways welcome another one or ten.
Fire Chief Max – Thefirst thing that jumps out at me here is the fact that this fire chef appearsto have a name, and DST did confirm it that he is in fact named Max, a first inthe more generic civilian minimates to be named. This is basically a re-release of the fighter, all the gear is the same and paint/tampos are the same. The helmets are the same bright red asSpideys and both have the number 62 as well. The back of the jacket also displays the same NYCC 2011 logo as Spideysdoes, which makes sense. I really dolove the M.A.X. minimates and this is just one more bit of that, even though hewill live in the Marvel display case! Max does come with the feet, arms and hair to have him displayed in hismore off duty/firehouse look too.
This set surprised me in the fact that it was very much likea standard M.A.X. set in the amount of gear that came with it. Not only does Max have the parts to be in acasual look but there are also 2 heavy duty flashlights with straps, 2 axes andthe helmet with mask and oxygen tank harness gear too! The only thing I found lacking in this setwere the fire extinguishers, seemed to be an odd piece to be missing from afire fighters themed set. I think on awhole this set is a fun addition to my collection without a doubt and will begathering some extras as the younger fans are going to love it! I hope that down the road DST might be ableto give use a fire hose type accessory similar to how Pallisade did it in theDie Hard PALZ line. I do have to givethis set 4.5 out of 5 for missing a fire extinguisher, vital to fire safety!