Five Things on A Friday

1. Suburbia is making me lose my sense of humor.

2. THE SCORPIO RACES just got its third starred review, which is crazy and wonderful. I feel like I should be more crass about this by now, but the fact is . . . I love THE SCORPIO RACES more than anything I've written so far, and I haven't felt a personal buzz about a book like this since SHIVER. And THE SCORPIO RACES is such a MAGGIE book, I just didn't know how people would take it. Well, this is how:

“Masterful. Like nothing else out there now.”

-Kirkus, starred review

“a study of courage and loyalty tested . . . an utterly compelling read.”

-Publishers Weekly, starred review

“A book with cross-appeal to lovers of fantasy, horse stories, romance, and action-adventure, this has a shot at being the next YA blockbuster.”

-Booklist, starred review

Man, I'm just going to say "Masterful" over and over again. At the dinner table. Lover's going to be so happy about this, I'm sure.

3. Pretty much everyone who reads this blog probably knows I have a monthly short story blog, the Merry Sisters of Fate, with my two critique partners, Tessa Gratton & Brenna Yovanoff. Well, because of the annoying things going on with Livejournal, we moved it over to Wordpress, though the address stayed the same. We all did a short story based upon a common prompt this week — one of my favorite paintings ever. It has the angst BUILT RIGHT INTO IT.

4. Has anybody seen Cowboys vs. Aliens? Is it any good? I want it to be good, but I'm filled with fear.

5. Does anybody know where I could find a good children's map or guide to Germany? You know, like THIS except 100% mehr Deutsch. Thing 1 & Thing 2 love that book, and it'd be cool to give them something similar for our trip to Germany.