Oh! Oh! I totally forgot to post a reminder because writing MagicalNovel is eating my brain.
There are just a few more hours to enter the contest to win a signed, doodled in advanced review copy of THE SCORPIO RACES.
Basically the contest just involves posting the trailer on your blog/ facebook/ twitter. And the details are here.
Blog Archive
- How To Turn a Novel Into a Textbook
- Oh Lord, Why?
- On Writing
- In Which Onions Inform My Fashion Sense
- Last Minute Reminder for the SCORPIO RACES contest
- Five Things on A Friday
- Pictoral Examples of Productivity
- A Hero In Your Own Life
- Playlist for FOREVER
- And Honey, I Hate You
- THE SCORPIO RACES: trailer and advanced review cop...
- Ten Questions with Two Audiobook Narrators
- French, German, and Australian Tour Events
- So Now We Come to the End (Well, Sort of)
- Oh Jesus
- Lions and Tigers and Binturongs, Oh My!