Old Loki and BlueLoki. Old Loki is getting ready to be sold and BlueLoki is getting ready to be packed.
These things must all go into the car. Including that girl and that hammer.
People at the launch! They were fantastic (well, some of them were you reading this. you were fantastic).
More peoples at the event.
I gave away the Sharpie guitar to a lucky raffle winner!!
I am not good at looking professional when Tessa photographs me!
We gave away a lot of swag!
Sulaiman Azimi sang his version of "Summer Girl" for the crowd.
More to come, as always, including video hijinks. Tomorrow is Philly. Goal: Stop having traumatic flashbacks to Ferris Bueller's Day Off every time we have to valet park BlueLoki.
Thanks, guys, for making the launch such a memorable experience . . . what an amazing, amazing few years this has been.